Tuesday, 17 December 2013

AMG's Business Support Explained #3
Social Media & Blog Writing Services

We are living in an era where almost all aspects of our lives are in a digital platform. Following AMG's Business Support Explained #1 and AMG's Business Support Explained #2, this third and last article will discuss the importance of social media and blogging and how we can help your business incorporate these into your marketing business plans.

The reasons for using social media networks may be to publicize news and offers, for branding, to attract new customers, improve rankings in market research, develop new links with business partners, reduce the costs of marketing campaigns and improve product or service sales.

As mentioned on our previous articles, AMG Virtual Assistant Services is dedicated to helping businesses, and just as with the administrative support, graphic design and marketing- we will assist you in reaching new customers, keeping existing ones and standing out from your competitors via social media channels.

Our featured Social Media Services include:

Image courtesy of smarnad at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

  • • Social media marketing & strategy
  • • Selection of appropriate social networks for your business
  • • Set-up of social media profiles
  • • Original content creation and activities to interact with your business followers
  • • Customer service and reputation monitoring
  • • Monthly activity report and impact

Having a blog is an essential add-on to having web presence. It allows for easy publishing of statements and is also used as part of marketing strategies. A blog allows for communication with potential and existing customers by providing them with interesting and valuable information. At AMG we will research blog post topics, write blog posts, and publish them for you! We will drive traffic and leads to your website with our blog writing services.

Contact us for a free consultation today. Let us help!


AMG Virtual Assistant Services | Business Support Specialists
(905) 808-4843 | www.amgvirtualassistant.com